• 1992-93: Two boyos alike in dignity, both born but yet to discover the connection they shared from the very start.

• Sept 11, 2012: They meet.
• Sept 11, 2012: They become Best Friends.

• Jul 16, 2013: Wes & Adam first decide to write a musical together. They then spend three-and-a-half years doing other things first.

• Jan 16, 2015: Wes & Adam stay up all night watching The Babadook and get so scared that they stay awake until the sun comes up.
• Jan 2, 2017: After a week-long sleepover, Wes & Adam complete their first draft of JFK ‘n Me.

• Dec 29, 2017: Wes & Adam share a charcuterie board during their overnight together in the Bridal Suite at Lafayette Park Hotel & Spa.

• Dec 30, 2017: Wes and Adam dance to the “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor… Coat” Megamix at Adam’s wedding.

• Jan 29, 2018: Less than a month after Adam’s wedding, Wes sleeps in Adam’s one-bedroom apartment. They start the first rehearsals for JFK ‘n Me!

• Feb 11, 2018: JFK ‘n Me has its very first workshop! People actually show up!

• Aug 16, 2018: Wes & Adam perform JFK ‘n Me in full at PianoFight. Starting them off on a series of monthly performances that you can still catch now!

• May 16, 2019: coolwebsite.pizza goes live—the unforgettable world wide website that you are currently visiting right now!